
You've made the right decision, after trying hard to make this work for your indecisive friend.

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Seems like we're kindred spirits on the subject of "maybe," and I suspect a lot more. Thanks for sharing your experiences with indecision. Helps me to know I'm not alone in feeling as I do.

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That's what loneliness feels like, and it's a horrible feeling. Call me anytime, Ann. You know I always love to hear your voice, and better yet to be with you. And yes, I know people sometimes simply refuse to talk on the phone or answer it dismissively. I remember when I was a teenager, I would go downstair to my parents' bedroom and pull the phone onto the bed and just wish it would ring. I was hoping a special guy would call. We don't have that kind of anticipation now.

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I have a friend who, whenever I ask if she wants to join me for an event, will ask, "When do you need to know?" I respond with, "When will you know?" If I can bring someone with me to a member preview at a museum, I don't want to wait until the last minute to find someone. I've stopped asking her, frankly, as she clearly wanted to see if she got a better offer. I mean, either you want to go or you don't.

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Maybe. Oh how I hate maybe. I have a sibling who is utterly incapable of saying yes or no. Always maybe. ‘No’ will never hurt my feelings but ‘maybe’ pisses me off.

Uncertainty happens, I get it. But when ‘maybe’ is indeed my answer I will also tell people when I will give them an answer. Often it’s just, ‘I’ll check my calendar when I get home and let you know.’ (Yes, old school calendar.) It’s really not that difficult

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This is one of my favorites. I can relate to so much you shared. I miss conversations. Loneliness is overwhelming at times. No longer can I pick up the phone just to hear the voice of a friend. Whether it’s because I left Boston or I’ve been replaced by technology. I have friends who won’t take my call. Others might take the call but only for a few minutes. I’ve forgotten the sound of voices. If they knew I missed them, would they care?

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